Saturday, February 09, 2008


Reading Can Help Reduce Stress

Everybody has stress at one time or another. How you deal with it is a personal choice. You can take a walk, listen to music, get a massage, soak in a tub, watch television or read a book. Whatever you do that you enjoy and it relaxes you that is your stress reliever. When you feel you need to unwind and relax, that is the first sign of stress. Stress can affect your health so deal with it now and relax.

Reading is a great way to relax and reduce stress. When you pick up a book no matter which genre, it will take your mind off whatever is causing the stress for a short time. A book can take you to different places. Go to a South Pacific island with miles of beaches or the top of the Artic. Go back in time or into the future as far as you want. Read about someone you are interested in, there are biographies and memoirs on just about everyone who was/is famous or important. Fantasy is a good way to help get away from all connections with present time stress. Go to another world, time or visit someone else’s imagination. Need to laugh try reading a humorous book. There are some very funny books available on a large range of topics. Reading self-help books are also good for reducing stress. These books could help you pinpoint what is causing your stress. They can give advice on how to relieve the stress.

For the non-reader there are books for you also. Try reading up on new ideas, how-to, and technical information on your favorite hobby. Say your hobby is gardening, look up and read what new techniques there are available. Read the seed book and plan your next garden project. For the photographer check out the latest in cameras or styles of photographs that are currently popular. Start a hobby to help reduce stress by first reading up on the where, when and how to do it. Reading is a year round activity so when you cannot do your normal stress reducing activity read about it.

Reading can also help reduce stress by providing answers to problems. By reading books that can give advise or instructions on how to solve the problem. When the problem is solved you will feel more relaxed and the stress will melt away. Stress about weight problems can be helped by reading about health, diet and exercise in books. You may find your way to total fitness or back to where you want to be with advice from books. Stressed because you spend too much eating out because you cannot cook? Learn to cook from books! With either problem once you read how to get started the rest will follow. You are learning how to fix the problem and the stress level is reducing as you learn.

Stress affects your concentration. Reading helps you to focus and concentrate and exercises your mind. By exercising your mind your ability to concentrate and remember things will improve. This will also help reduce stress. Reading will also improve your spelling, vocabulary, and writing which will make you feel more confident and REDUCE STRESS!

Catherine Dahrens is the owner of Far West Books and Gifts, http://www, Please contact her at with comments or questions.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007


This Calder Range by Janet Dailey - Book Review

This Calder Range by Janet Dailey – Book Review

There are thousands of Historical Romance writers today and Janet Dailey is one of the best I have read. Janet keeps with the era’s language, way of life and background information. There is nothing more discouraging than to have the facts about an area, time or event misplaced or in error. Janet seems to do her homework.

This Calder Range is the first book of The Calder Saga. The story tells you how and when the Calder Empire began. Chase Calder wanted better in his life. He found it in Montana when the land rush started he claimed the best he could find. Lorna would follow her love to the Montana wilds. There Chase and Lorna would start a dynasty that would survive generations. Chase and Lorna start with a sod house and a few hundred cattle on the land Chase had claimed. Over the years the sod house became a mansion, the herd grew enormous and their land expanded with each acquired piece. They raised children and lost children. Together they faced Indian attacks, blizzards, fires, treachery and inner conflicts. Through it all they remained true to their love of each other.

Janet gives her readers a glimpse of how it was to settle in the wilderness. How important trust was to survive. How it was to truly love someone through the good and bad times.

If you have already read the other Calder stories, this one will answer some questions. If you have not, then it will give you a great start for the long ride.


Sunday, August 19, 2007


"The Crippled Angel" by Sara Douglass, Book Review

The Crippled Angel by Sara Douglass – Book Review

The Crippled Angel is the third book of The Crucible Series. This was a very compelling story. Sara has mixed fantasy with faith and wrote a very enthralling story. I found the book to be very enjoyable and entertaining.

What if the angels were not all good and the demons not all evil? What if Joan of Arc was being misled by the Archangel Michael? What if “Demons” were actually the offspring of Angels by mortals?

“The Cripple Angel” includes some of histories greatest characters from the time of Crusades. Some are “Angels” some are “Demons” and then there are the crusaders, who have to discover which is which and learn the truth for themselves.

In Sara Douglass’ final book “The Crippled Angel” you will read what the Angels’ and the Demons’ crusaders learn about faith and trust. Follow Thomas Neville as he tries to uncover the truth and lies. Thomas has been given the task by Archangel Michael to find and expose the Demons. He discovers that all he has been lead to believe is not all true and now has to decide who to believe and trust. Mankind’s destiny will be determined by Thomas’ ability to truly love someone.

The Crippled Angel” is a must read for the dramatic conclusion to “The Crucible Series.” This is a splendid story with a very dramatic and shocking conclusion.



"Damselflies" by Jayel Gibson, Book Review

Jayel Gibson’s third book in the “Ancient Mirrors” saga is her best book to date. Once you start reading it you will not be able to put it down. I know I couldn’t!

Once you have read the first two books, “Dragon Queen” and “The Wrekening”, you must finish the tale by reading “Damselflies”. Jayel Gibson has taken characters from the two previous books and then added another twist to the saga. “Damselflies” is full of action, suspense, love, courage, and tragedy. It will keep you reading to find out what will happen next.

“Damselflies” starts out with the discovery of the total annihilation of the Damselflies’ village, Grimmoire. There is only one survivor, Arcinae. Arcinae is the rightful Sovereign of Grimmoire. Follow Arcinae during her recovery and her determination to overcome her peaceful ways. Arcinae is taught to defend herself by Ilerion, who is a “Hunter.” Ilerion teaches Arcinae not only how to defend herself but how to trust and love. What Arcinae learns will be passed down and taught to her children. Her children, A’Janae and J’yorie, will then have to use their combined powers and skills to save the enchanted and mankind.

“Damselflies” is due to be released in November 2007. Watch for it, you will not be disappointed with Jayel Gibson’s conclusion to the “Ancient Mirrors” saga.



"The Grail King" by Joy Nash, Book Review

Owein is a Druid Celt who thought all was lost for him, his family and his future. Until he had a vision and the woman in the vision was real. Clara pleads with him to help her find a stolen grail. When Owein lest expects it he finds someone who may have the power to help him heal his wounded heart and learn to live again. But first Owein and Clara must learn to trust each other. She is a Roman and he is a Celtic. The Romans murdered his family, can he or will he trust her. They travel together searching for the grail and find out others are looking for it also. And they are not planning on using it for the good of mankind. Besides battling their own beliefs they will have to face the unknown enemy. While searching for the grail Owein will realize that not all Romans are bad and not all Druids are for the Light. Owein and Clara fight their feelings for each other, but there is something that is drawing them together. Following Owein and Clara through each turn of events kept the story rolling smoothly. You’ll want to read more to find out what each turn of events will lead to.

Joy Nash has spun a fantasy tale with adventure and romance rolled into it. She has taken man’s fears, feelings and beliefs and blended them into a remarkable story. “The Grail King” is an excellent read for romance or fantasy paranormal readers.


Friday, July 06, 2007


"The Amber Wizard" by David Forbes, Book Review

David Forbes has caught my attention with his debut novel “The Amber Wizard.” He has taken fantasy reading in a new direction. Most of today’s fantasies are becoming too complicated in their characters to the point where you need a glossary to understand what you are reading. His characters are simple and well described. When you read the character’s name you know who they are without researching back and forth. He has kept the story to wizards, humans and a minimum of creatures. I found the book to be extremely interesting and a pleasure to read. Sometimes less is better. I am definitely looking forward to reading more of David Forbes books.

The Amber Wizard introduces you to Gerin Atreyano, the Crown Prince of Khedesh and his family. Gerin has become the Crown Prince when his father ascends to the throne. As he is learning his new position, a wizard shows up and tests Gerin for magical powers. Gerin turns out to be the Amber Wizard foretold of over a thousand years ago. Gerin now has to learn to be a Crown Prince and a wizard. Gerin has a drive to succeed beyond expectations, which leads to family conflict, jealousy, danger and death.

David Forbes has brought together everything needed to make a fantasy that people can relate to. He has sibling conflicts, a parent wanting to have what their child has accomplished, family love and devotion, and sacrifice. It is not the perfect family, which makes the characters more believable.

The Amber Wizard started out as a fast read in the beginning with a lot of interaction going on. It slowed down a little in the middle and then picked up again ending with a satisfying conclusion. You will not have to wait to find out what happened because the story ended, but you will want to find out what happens next in the life of Gerin Atreyano.


Saturday, January 13, 2007


Interview of Jayel Gibson

Hello everyone,
During the holiday season I had the pleasure of interviewing a new Fantasy author. If you are looking for a different style of writing or a new adventure, I would recommend you to check her out. Happy Reading!

Jayel Gibson is the author of the “Ancient Mirrors” fantasy series. Her first book “The Wrekening” has been published and is available at most book stores and now at Far West Books and Gifts at For a new reading experience she is a must to read.
The interview did not turn out as expected. Only one question was asked and this lead to a two hour interview. Jayel’s personality is like her writing, exciting and imaginative.

Question: Who was your inspiring author, when you were younger, the one that got you to read?
Jayel: I started out reading Nancy Drew books. They were written by multiple authors. The first Nancy Drew book I got hooked me. I just loved the female lead, which is why I probably write with a female lead. I was so taken by the characters that I read every book. All I wanted for holidays and birthdays was books. I was in the sixth grade. I still remember to this day that before that, I liked books but I paid more attention to the pictures than the stories. When I started to read fantasy, I started with Anne McCaffrey, with the Dragonriders of Pern. I went on to Piers Anthony and advanced to C J Cherryh. C J is one of my favorite authors. It is surprising how many people think C J is a man. I have just reread the “Paladin” not long ago. I read them over and over again, and watch them come back into print after they have been off the market for awhile. That’s when you realize they will be there forever. Anne McCaffrey has kept my attention for 30 years. I have just finished reading “Dragons Fire” awhile back when it came out. Another author is Ursula K Le Guin, even though she is more of a science fiction writer, I love her stories. Those are the writers that influenced me. And of course, Tolkien, but not until I was older. Tolkien actually pays tribute to Beowulf, which was one of my favorite epic poems. Beowulf was probably what got me interested in old English. Tolkien ties so closely with Celtic mythology with great intent. I don’t think any fantasy reader can look at Tolkien and not respect him for what he did. He created an entire universe and languages. Even though he didn’t invent elves, orcs, and Halflings, he came up with a very believable and engaging story. I believe all fantasy writers were influenced by Tolkien. He asserted himself, as an author, he kept his work the way he wanted it, and that is very inspiring.
I love it (imagination). I even have a reluctance to share the character portraits that I have on my web site because of that. So far I have been very lucky. People read my books and say “That is just the way I saw that person!” I owe that to my artist Michele-lee Phelan. The character portraits are actually drawn and painted during my creative process, when I am writing the story. They come to me and I hang them on the wall. I use them while I write. The imagination is a wonderful thing. Every reader perceives a story differently. That is probably the most rewarding thing about reviews. I can read two or three different reviews and it is like they were all reading different books. My publicist sent me a review to read and it was like did you read the same book I wrote. Then another one came in and it was like they were inside my head when I was writing it. So it is interesting to see how readers perceive the work. What an author perceives is not always what the reader.
I am currently reading her next book "Dragon Queen", will let you know what I think when I am done!


Thursday, December 21, 2006


Have a great holiday season

It will soon be Christmas day and then the new year will begin. I would like to take this time to wish everyone a joyous holiday season. Don't forget to read your holiday favorites. Read them out loud so all can enjoy and remember when.... I will return after the new year!


Article on using book markers

Use Bookmarkers to Save Your Book

Treating your books, whether they are new or used, with care will give you more reading enjoyment in the future. Many people will read the same book more than once and keeping the book in good condition makes it easier to read again later. This applies to paperbacks and hardcover books. Reading a used paperback or used hardcover book that has dog-tagged pages, broken spines or loose pages takes away some of the reading enjoyment.

The use of a bookmarker will help prolong the life of your book. Choosing a style that is flat and thin is best. These will not bend or deform the book or pages. Avoid thick or round ones, these will not allow your book to close properly. Paper, laminated, cloth, plastic and very thin metal are good choices for bookmarkers. Avoid using gem clips or bookmarkers that clip on the page. These will leave impressions on the page if left too long. They can also tear the page if removed improperly. If you prefer metal pick one that does not corrode or rust. Some people will use scraps of paper as bookmarkers. This is good if you don’t have a bookmarker. The problem with scraps of paper is they are often small and get lost when pulled from the book. If you enjoy reading and are paying for the book, having a good bookmarker is a must to keeping the book in good condition.

Don’t use paper clips. These will rust and deform or leave impressions on the pages. Never dog-tag or fold the corner of the page. This will cause the page corner to break off over time. This will also cause confusion as to which page you were on if more than one page is left dog-tagged.

Bookmarkers have another function other than marking your page. They help control your reading. Many with dyslexia have found using a bookmarker to guide their eyes helps them read. Bookmarkers help control concentration by leading the eye along the sentence instead of letting it wander.

Bookmarkers are easily found and come in many sizes and styles. Find one or two that you are comfortable with and enjoy it. Many have pictures, quotes or sayings on them that in themselves fun to look at or read. Save your new book so you or someone else can enjoy it as a used paperback or used hardcover book later.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Locating Used Paperback Books

For convenience and a multitude of choices there are on-line used book stores. If you have internet you can find just about any used paperback you want. You will have the choice of auction style sales or buy it now sales. Usually there will be an actual picture of the book and a description. Prices will vary as well as shipping cost. Check out different offers before you purchase. You need to compare description, condition, purchase cost and shipping cost. A used paperback sell for 99 cents may cost more with shipping than a used paperback that sells for more but has cheaper shipping cost.
Used paperback books are available at a variety of locations. Choose the method of shopping you prefer and start looking. Compare before purchasing and you will have a pleasant experience and truly enjoy your paperback.
This is a part of article published on 11/20/06. To veiw entire article go to Or you can visit our book store Far West Books and Gifts.


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